Thursday, December 26, 2019

Body Image Breaking The Stereotypes And Standards

Body Image: Breaking the Stereotypes and Standards There is a certain point in life that we become aware of our bodies and how others view them. The way we view our bodies, as individuals, can either help or hurt our self-esteem. Body image can be a very hard battle for anyone to fight; there is a tremendous amount of pressure put on mostly young women to match the â€Å"ideal† body type. What I want to know is, how can we overcome the stereotypes and standards set by the society we live in today? It is known that all throughout history there has been a set of standards regarding the way we should look. It is true that the standards have changed over the decades, but one thing remains and that is the pressure put upon us to fit the standards. Women especially feel this pressure, and this pressure can come from anywhere. Fitting in and not being made fun of or â€Å"body shamed† seem to be the most prominent reasons for succumbing to this type of peer-pressure. The effects of trying to achieve the ideal body type can be detrimental to ones self-esteem and health. Negative body image can cause severe medical conditions such as eating disorders. Amanda J. Holmstrom claims, â€Å"One prominent theory is that the media’s constant depiction of extremely thin women leads women to believe they should try to meet this ideal† (The Effects of the Media on Body Image: A Meta-Analysis 196). Some eating disorders include anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa and even constant dieting or fad dieting andShow MoreRelatedGender Stereotypes And Objectification Of Women888 Words   |  4 Pagesdiscussing overarching themes, in particular, gender stereotypes and objectification of women. Then I will analyze the photos from an intersectionality perspective and its importance. In addition, I will self-reflect about how gender, sex, and sexuality influence my life and how my beliefs have been challenged over the semester. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Adoption Of Knowledge Management Systems Essay

Adoption of Knowledge management systems as an IS /IT business strategy by SME’s in Kenya. Abstract In shaky, uncertain economies, small and medium enterprises often take the biggest blow in periods of slow or no business. When there are minimalistic orders, the impact is immediate as most of these firms don’t have a wide array of products compared to big firms. As a small organization, it’s always important to have a proper Information technology portfolio to help them carry out proper analysis and establish ways of retaining their clientele throughout their business periods. SME’s need a clearly laid out plan to how it plans to adopt and use technologies such as knowledge management systems throughout its existence if they are to compete with the large organizations as small organizations are known to operate without structures and have adopted informal business processes to manage knowledge. In Kenya, SME’s are vital as they employ more than 87% of the labor force that contribute 18.4% of the National Gross Domestic product (GDP). (GOK, 2009).However, their existence in the Kenyan economy has not been without fair challenges that inhibit their growth, potential and offer them an average lifespan of five or less years in existence. The purpose of this document to provide a review on this topic with the aim of finding out how small enterprises stand to benefit from Knowledge Management systems such as C.R.M systems having been well designed and carried on toShow MoreRelatedReasons for Management Control Systems Adoption1286 Words   |  6 PagesReasons for Management Control Systems Adoption 1 Reasons for Management Control Systems Adoption Insights from Product Development Systems Choice by Early-Stage Entrepreneurial Companies Claudia Fernandez Management Control Systems FE2510, Autumn - Period 1 Professor Eva Wittbom Blekinge Tekniska Hà ¶gskola September 26th, 2010 Reasons for Management Control Systems Adoption INTRODUCTION 2 Through the past few years, and due to different theoretical and empirical studies performedRead MoreOrganizational And Process Change Management1063 Words   |  5 PagesOrganizational and Process Change Change management is a primary concern of many organizations involved in ERP project implementation. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

The Main Causes Of War Essay Research free essay sample

The Main Causes Of War Essay, Research Paper Wars are invariably being fought in the universe. Bloodshed had taken topographic point as top leaders ponder their every move in their game of triumphs and conquerings. Behind each and every war that has taken topographic point, there will ever be a ground for it. The most prevailing causes are greed and lifting aspirations. Greed is congenital and present in the character of every human being. Hence we can see unscrupulous leaders, at the disbursal of the people, go to wars as a consequence of their quest for power and territorial additions. One illustration will be the recent internal discord in Angola, Africa. Foday Sankoh exploited the state # 8217 ; s natural resources # 8212 ; diamonds for his personal wealth, which resulted in the deceases of many guiltless parties. World War II was besides started by Hitler # 8217 ; s lifting demands for territorial additions, suppressing provinces after provinces. We will write a custom essay sample on The Main Causes Of War Essay Research or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Hence wars that were fought for personal additions are the most common. The World Trade Organisation ( WTO ) can step in here. In face of such unscrupulous leaders, the states in the administration can halt trading with them and put an international boycott on such states. For illustration, Iraq was slapped with an international boycott whereby states such as Britian, France and America refused to purchase oil ffom them during the invasion of Kuwait in the 1890ss. Next the battle for basic human rights is besides one of the chief grounds as to why wars were fought. In some states, citizens do non bask equal rights. Widespread favoritism of minority can easy trip wars. Peoples may be denied of basic rights such as lodging, instruction and chances of employment. Hence rebellions may happen. One illustration will be the struggle in Sri Lanka. The Tamil Tigers fight for the rights of the people and purpose for a state whereby each and every citizen is given equal human rights. Peace negotiations could be held to settle the differences. The authorities can besides step in and give equal intervention to the citizens within the state. The people can be educated to handle everyone as their peers. Punishment can be meted out to wrongdoers who discriminate the minority. The following chief ground of wars is cultural differences present within a state. Intolerance towards a peculiar race could ensue in wars, particularly so if one peculiar cultural group is rich while the remainder live in poorness. Jealously breeds rapidly in such fortunes. To exemplify this point, cultural differences between the Serbs and Bosnians was one of the grounds why the Bosnian War was started. Cultural cleansing torn the state apart and lives of many were lost. Tolerance will hold to be preached within the state to forestall such cases from go oning once more. The people could be taught about each other # 8217 ; s race and the differences between each cultural group can be closed. Open mindedness and exposure are cardinal factors to control such incidents. Stairss have to be taken by the authorities to alter the people # 8217 ; s mindset that each race is equal. Merely so can the state move towards a common land. For illustration, Singapore was one time plagued by racial public violences. Education of the assorted races populating in the state was introduced. This helped to settle the differences between the assorted community groups and hence kerb racial public violences. One of the chief grounds of wars will be spiritual difference nowadays within a state. In tolerance towards a peculiar faith can trip off wars. More frequently than non, a peculiar spiritual group of people may see themselves to be superior to the remainder. Such haughtiness can be lifelessly. To stress the point above, the recent struggle between Catholics and Protestants will be one illustration. Catholics, being the minority in Northern Ireland, were oppressed and prosecuted. Hence, they were forced to turn to the Irish Republican Army for protection. Hence, besides different political bases, the war between IRA and the British authorities was fought besides due to spiritual differences. Once once more, tolerance towards a peculiar faith has to be practised. Singapore consists of really diverse civilization and spiritual patterns. In the state, one can see different topographic points of worship and in add-on, everyone in Singapore celebrates spiritual vacations. This is one good illustration whereby people of different beliefs systems are able to acquire along with each other in harmoniousness. In decision, wars are fought for many assorted grounds. Equally long as human existences exist, wars will go on to be fought. Controversial issues as mentioned above can non be resolved easy and therefore struggles will still originate as states continue to revolutionize and alter.

Monday, December 2, 2019

The Harpsichord free essay sample

In modern day America, most know what a piano is, regardless of whether or not they can play one. Many people with little interest in music know piano musicians by the names of Ludwig Van Beethoven, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and even Frederic Chopin. Many people also believe Johann Sebastian Bach played piano, but that simply isn’t true. Bach, a composer of the Baroque/Renaissance period, played the father instrument of the piano, the harpsichord. Harpsichords are just as important as pianos because without harpsichords, we wouldn’t have music’s signature instrument to enjoy. Harpsichords made their first appearance in the Renaissance and Baroque periods of music. The earliest known reference to a harpsichord dates from 1397 when, â€Å"A jurist in Padua wrote that a certain Hermann Poll claimed to have invented an instrument called the clavicembalum,’† (â€Å"A Brief History†). Harpsichords are typically considered a string instrument, as the strings are plucked by plectrum, which are small pieces of plastic used to pluck strings on various instruments. We will write a custom essay sample on The Harpsichord or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A pick for a guitar is also a plectrum. Both harpsichords and pianos perform their functions when the keys are pressed. The Harpsichord was a favorite of the famous composer Johann Sebastian Bach, despite the invention of the piano when he was fifteen. He wrote many famous pieces for harpsichord, and is hailed by musicians as a musical genius.Bach has become one of the most famous composers of all time, all by playing brass and harpsichord. Bach even has a famous instrument company dedicated to him after his death(â€Å"J.S.Bach†). Despite being famous, his fame has not carried the harpsichord with him for various reasons. One reason the harpsichord failed to stay in fame was while the harpsichord did have its own advantage of being relatively easy for musicians to understand, it lacked one important thing. Harpsichords were only capable of one single dynamic. â€Å"Dynamics are the levels of sound, loud or soft, in a piece of music† (â€Å"Dynamics†).For an idea of how important dynamics are, think about your favorite song. Say this song has a bassist, a drummer, a guitarist, and a singer. Typically, the focus of these kinds of songs is the singer, and sometimes the guitarist playing a melody or a solo. If you really listen to your music, the main focus is louder than the other parts to the music, say, the bassist and the drummer. If they were all the same dynamic, they would sound boring, and there would be no specific focus. The harpsichord only had one dynamic, so rather than having one part loud and melodic, and one part soft and supportive, the harpsichord could only be played at o ne level of volume. Musicians have a natural affinity for always wanting to find something bigger, better, and prettier. Because of this, the pianoforte was born. As lovely sounding as harpsichords are, the lack of dynamics poses a problem. Eventually, a musician named Bartolomeo Cristofori, found a solution to this issue in 1700. Bartolomeo was a harpsichord repairman who invented the first piano, then called a pianoforte. (â€Å"The Piano†). The piano was called this because of its ability to play both piano, soft, and forte, loud. This occured almost 303 years after the invention of the harpsichord. This brings to question how they were ever different instruments in the first place. The answer is in how the sound is produced by the two. Though they look extremely similar, pianos and harpsichords produce sound differently. Sound is produced by frequencies in vibration, and while both instruments are capable of producing the sound, the piano is both a string and percussive instrument using small hammers hitting the inner strings to play, and dampers to quiet them down when the key is no longer pressed. Because the force of the hit could be controlled by how hard the keys were pushed, this fixed the dynamics and gave musicians more choice on how to present their pieces. Each feature of the piano is based on either a piece of the harpsichord, or made to make up for an aspect the Harpsichord lacked. Something important to think about when comparing harpsichords and pianos is how the changes made by Bartolomeo affected the playing aspect of the instruments. When the keys of the harpsichord are pressed, a musician can feel the pressure of the plectrum on the string. Once the plectrum plucks it, the pressure is released and the key finally goes all the way down. This makes the playing a bit clunky. On a Piano, the hammer/damper mechanism never has any pressure build up to perform its functions, making the keys press easily and creating a much smoother movement as the musician plays. While Bach and his harpsichord pieces were lovely, one amazing man came 60 years later with just as stunning pieces on the piano. Frederic Chopin was a very famous composer focused solely on the piano. â€Å"Considered Polands greatest composer, Frederic Chopin focused his efforts on piano composition and was a strong influence on composers who followed him.† (Frederic Chopin). While Frederic wasn’t as famous as Mozart or good ol’ Beethoven, he widely contributed to making the piano popular. However, He would have never been a famous piano player if the harpsichord had never been invented, and afterwards, the piano. In conclusion, no matter how lovely the piano is, it would have never been around if it wasn’t for the original keyboard creation, the harpsichord. Not only did harpsichords come before pianos, but pianos were structurally based off of the original harpsichords. Next time you hear about a harpsichord, just remember how historically important it is for musicians everywhere. If you get the chance to play it, definitely give it a go, because it’s pretty awesome to touch a piece of history.