Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Adoption Of Knowledge Management Systems Essay

Adoption of Knowledge management systems as an IS /IT business strategy by SME’s in Kenya. Abstract In shaky, uncertain economies, small and medium enterprises often take the biggest blow in periods of slow or no business. When there are minimalistic orders, the impact is immediate as most of these firms don’t have a wide array of products compared to big firms. As a small organization, it’s always important to have a proper Information technology portfolio to help them carry out proper analysis and establish ways of retaining their clientele throughout their business periods. SME’s need a clearly laid out plan to how it plans to adopt and use technologies such as knowledge management systems throughout its existence if they are to compete with the large organizations as small organizations are known to operate without structures and have adopted informal business processes to manage knowledge. In Kenya, SME’s are vital as they employ more than 87% of the labor force that contribute 18.4% of the National Gross Domestic product (GDP). (GOK, 2009).However, their existence in the Kenyan economy has not been without fair challenges that inhibit their growth, potential and offer them an average lifespan of five or less years in existence. The purpose of this document to provide a review on this topic with the aim of finding out how small enterprises stand to benefit from Knowledge Management systems such as C.R.M systems having been well designed and carried on toShow MoreRelatedReasons for Management Control Systems Adoption1286 Words   |  6 PagesReasons for Management Control Systems Adoption 1 Reasons for Management Control Systems Adoption Insights from Product Development Systems Choice by Early-Stage Entrepreneurial Companies Claudia Fernandez Management Control Systems FE2510, Autumn - Period 1 Professor Eva Wittbom Blekinge Tekniska Hà ¶gskola September 26th, 2010 Reasons for Management Control Systems Adoption INTRODUCTION 2 Through the past few years, and due to different theoretical and empirical studies performedRead MoreOrganizational And Process Change Management1063 Words   |  5 PagesOrganizational and Process Change Change management is a primary concern of many organizations involved in ERP project implementation. 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