Sunday, May 24, 2020

Why Relying on Welfare System Should Be Avoided Essay

The welfare system was created before the government welfare programs started. The system was created to help single mothers, children with disabilities, unemployment and, underemployment. The system offers many different ways to help such as: cash assistance, food stamps, employment assistance, and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). The system has helped a lot of needy families and still continues to help a lot of families. Many Americans have now started to qualify for help from the system. So people will get help from the system and stay on it just because it’s free. In the article (Why get off welfare) by Michael Tanner he made a statement saying: But there is also evidence that many are reluctant to accept available†¦show more content†¦We need to change the criteria of how you receive the help, while also looking into the lives of people receiving help from the system. This will ensure that they are using the systems benefits the right way and will not become dependent on the system. The system was created to give temporary help not lifetime help! Americans have become lazy and have started to depend on the monthly check they receive from the system. Paul Christopher pointed out that â€Å"their problems with welfare seem to be that in their own opinion welfare is far too easy to get, has way too many benefits and pays much too much in actual cash. And of course, I’d be remiss in not mentioning that everyone on welfare is milking the system and lazy.† Everybody sees that the system is being used by people that don’t really need it but just want it because they can. We have people that actually n eed the system and get denied for the system and that is sad. The ones that really need the help cannot get help from the system and are left struggling, watching other milky up the system. The same people that do not need welfare but takes advantage of it, are the same people that start the generational curse on the welfare system. Americans that have kids and are one the system majority of the time their children will follow in the same footsteps. I say that because since people are relying on the system long-term then there children will want to do the same. This causesShow MoreRelatedEssay On Folic Acid In New Zealand1558 Words   |  7 PagesNew Zealands public health system is often considered to be on par with the worlds best. Our social welfare system cares for people without bankrupting them and we have a range of guidelines to ensure that our food and resources are safe. However, it may be that we are failing in key areas of our health system, particularly in the prevention of neural tube defects such as spina bifida. 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